Signature Loan
Need cash for an emergency? Need it fast? Borrow up to $7000.00 on your signature alone depending on credit score! No collateral needed! Risk-based rates vary, so give us a call for more details.
Co-Maker Loan
Do you need more than $7000.00? Borrow up to $7500.00 or $10,000.00 with a Co-Maker loan. The Co-Maker acts as collateral for this loan. Rates vary. Give us a call for current rates.
Share Secured Loan
You can borrow against your shares! Limits depend on your share balance. The interest rate will be at least 3% lower than the current Signature Loan rate. Shares will be held as collateral.
Automobile Loan
Need a new car? You can get a loan for a new or used automobile. The loan amount is determined by the book value or the invoice price. Rates and terms vary between the new and used vehicle loans.
Boat / Motorcycle / ATV Loan
Thinking about a new recreational purchase? A boat to watch the sunsets on the lake? An ATV for a more adventurous pastime? Loans are available for these purchases and more! Loan amounts are determined by the invoice price or appraisal value.