Using Tags and Codes
Tags and CodesThis article contains tags and codes which can be used in shouts, comments and journals on Fur Affinity. This information is adapted from Yak's journal. Text EditingBolded: This is [b]bold text[/b] --> This is bold text Italicized: This is [i]italic text[/i] --> This is italic text Underlined: This is [u]underlined text[/u] --> This is underlined text Striked Out: This is [s]striked out text[/s] --> This is Sup-scripted: This is [sup]supscripted text[/sup] --> This is supscripted text Sub-scripted: This is [sub]subscripted text[/sub] --> This is subscripted text Colored: This is [color=green]colored text[/color] --> This is colored text Color your text using color codes (such as red, green, brown, yellow, purple), or hex codes (such as #0066CC, #FF55FF, #FF9900, #FFFFFF, #000000, #AAAAAA). All of the color names below are valid.
Quoted Text: [quote]Unnamed quoted text[/quote] Newly typed text -->
[quote=Username, in his journal]Quoted text with attribution[/quote] Newly typed text -->
Specialized Characters (c) by me --> © by me 'Sup(tm) --> 'Sup™ Spam(r) --> Spam® Please Note: The letters are not case-sensitive, and it can be either (C), or (c). LinksFull URLs --> Short URLs --> URLs with params --> URLs with params --> Email --> (Displays as email[at] The display of long URLs will be automatically compressed to the first 60 or 70 or so characters. Custom Link Formatting [url=] Yak's page [/url] --> Yak's page Relative URLs Relative URLs are only for URLs on specifically, and auto-generate links. [url=/user/yak] Yak's page as a relative URL [/url] --> Yak's page as a relative URL [url=/view/1205953] Relative link to a submission [/url] --> Relative link to a submission Site Specific FeaturesReplace "username" with the name shown in the URL of the desired user's page. (User names in URLs are being stripped of some characters.) :iconusername: --> Create's an icon and name link directly to the user's page. @@username --> Create's an icon and name link directly to the user's page. Same as :iconusername: :usernameicon: --> Create's an icon link, but no name link, directly to the user's page. :linkusername: --> username Create's a name link directly to the user's page. @username --> username Create's a name link directly to the user's page. Same as :linkusername: Comic Navigation Links[194001, 193998, -] --> <<< PREV | FIRST | NEXT >>> Use formatting in the following style [SubmissionID1, SubmissionID2, SubmissionID3] where it follows the Prev/First/Next format, as shown above. This is a quick way to make the navigation links for those artists that do comics. Notes:
VideoInserting YouTube Video Youtube embedding works only in journal bodies, and nowhere else. [yt]youtubelink[/yt] --> Note: YouTube changed their formatting, and until we can update our script, embedded. Video links must look like in order to work. HTTPS links may NOT work. |
Were are only allowed 12 of each of these on our FA pages. :linkusername: (Makes a name link to a user's page) @username (Makes a name link to a user's page) :iconusername: (Makes both an icon and a name link to a user's page) @@username (Makes both an icon and a name link to a user's page) :usernameicon: (Makes an icon link to a user's page) Simply replace username with the desired user's name, as it appears at the end of the address bar in your browser, when you are on their page. Anything more than 12 of each of these does not work. There is a way around the limit though, to make your page appear better. If you want more than 12 avatar icon links with names, just make the first 12 like this: :iconusername: (Shows the icon and the name) then make 12 more like this: @@username (Shows the icon and the name) and you can even make 12 more like this: :usernameicon: :linkusername: (Shows the icon, then shows the name) That gets you 36 avatar icons with names. There is no way for a normal user can get more than 36 avatar icons to show up in the main section of their page. If you want more than 12 username links without icons, you are in luck. Use this for the first 12 names: :linkusername: (Shows a name link) Use this for the next 12 names: @username (Shows a name link) If you need more, then you can use this format for an unlimited number of name links: [url=/user/username]Username[/url] (Shows a name link) For all of the examples above, there can be no spaces between the [] characters. Check each of your links by clicking on them, before deciding that you are done editing your page. If a link does not work, make sure the username part is exactly as their name appears at the end of the address bar of your browser, when you are on their page. To link to a user's main page, use either of these: :linkusername: (Shows a name link) [url=/user/username]Username[/url] (Shows a name link) Or, you can simply paste the entire URL to their page, but that will take up more screen space and probably look sloppy. To link to a user's submission, use this: [url=/view/########/]Any text you want[/url] (Link to a submission page) Replace the ######## with the submission ID. That is the number at the end of the address bar in your browser, when you are looking at the submission. You can simply copy the /view/########/ portion of the URL from the address bar, and it will work. Or, you can simply paste the entire URL to their submission, but that tends to look sloppy. To link to a user's Gallery, Scraps or Favorites, use one of these: [url=/gallery/username]Username's Gallery[/url] [url=/scraps/username]Username's Scraps[/url] [url=/favorites/username]Username's Faves[/url] To link to a user's Journals or Commission Info, use one of these: [url=/journals/username]Username's Journals[/url] [url=/commissions/username]Username's Commission Info[/url] To link to a specific journal, use this: [url=/journal/#######/]A specific journal[/url] Replace the ####### with the journal number. That is the number at the end of the address bar in your browser, when you are looking at the journal. You can simply copy the /journal/########/ portion of the URL from the address bar, and it will work. To link to a specific shout, use this: [url=/user/foxwolfie/#shout-########]Here's the shout[/url] Replace the ######## with the desired shout index. Normally, you only see this number in the address bar immediately after making a shout. You can view the HTML page source to find the index of other shouts, but be aware that linking to shouts will fail if the user has deleted the shout, or if it has scrolled off their page. To link to a specific comment, use this: [url=/view/#######/#cid:########]Here's the comment[/url] Replace the first ####### with the submission ID and the second ######## with the appropriate comment ID. The best way to find these numbers is to look at the comment and to mouse over the (No Subject) link. Right clicking on that should allow you to save a permalink to the comment that includes the proper numbers.