Welcome to
FoxWolfie Galen's
Plushie Page
This page contains resources of interest to Plushophiles, Zootaphiles, Toonophiles,
Furries, Texturephiles, etc. Some of the links have to do with one's
sexuality or may lead to images or text that some viewers may find
objectionable. If you are looking for mindless nudity or pornography, you
will not find it here. If you are uncomfortable with any of this, please
use the BACK button on your browser now.
What is a Plushie, Fursuit, Furry, etc?
PlushYiff Survey version 1.2 (Mature readers only please)
PlushYiff Survey results (Mature readers only please)
(Updated: Nov 25, 2001)
The Plush Code 2.0 (English & German versions)
My Plush Code:
P[rac,fox,fer]/F[wol,ted*,tig,>fox,>rac] B++ BB+ C+
Es+ FF+ I M MMh+ N+++ O+ Sp++/Sf++ T%ozam+skp ma+
Fur Code version 1.3
My Fur Code:
FCFf3c/PRf3c/M3a/MaB3a/U3a A->++ C+ Dm++++ H++ M P++++ R- T+++
W Z- Sm++ RLAT a+ cd/w/l++ d-- e++ f+++ h++ iwf+ j* p* sm+
a.s.p FAQ version 3.6 (Updated: Apr 25, 2003)
a.b.p.e.p FAQ version 1.8 (Updated: Apr 25, 2003)
a.b.p.p / a.f.p FAQ version 1.0.2
Plush Sex Mini-FAQ
Plush Love Mini-FAQ
A Plushie Lexicon 2.6 (Updated: May 25, 2004)
Plushie Resources List (Updated: Apr 25, 2003)
Photos, Drawings, Captures, etc. (G to PG-13 rated)
Areas of Interest to Plushophiles and Furries
* Juice and Spunk
Cub Central
* Super Jay
Guppy's Homepage
* ConFURence.com - Furry Lynx
The FurryMUCK Home Page
* Bear St. presents The Wide Wild World of Gund
The Lion King WWW Archive
* Rapid T. Rabbit's New York City Rabbit Hole
* Dr. Cat's Furcadia
* Nakira's Den
Torrle The Wolf's Web Page
* Bucky Boy
Bender's Werewolves in Suburbia
Joe Ekaitis's Anthropomorphic Animal Art
* Captain Packrat's Plush Central
Captain Packrat's Fur Central
BlayZe BrightScale's Page
The Furnpike - Furry, Anthro & Transformation Sites
Lifestyles and Sexuality
* Gay Web Menu
* The Society for Human Sexuality
* Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Stuff
Online Auctions
FurBid - The first and best furry auction site
Search Engines
* FTP Search
* The Internet Movie Database
* Alta Vista Search
* WebCrawler Search
* Starting Point
* AT&T Internet Toll Free Directory
Other Helpful and Fun Links
* Twisted
* Forté Home Page (Agent offline newsreader)
* JP Software (4DOS / 4NT / 4OS2)
* Handmade Software, Inc. (Image Alchemy)
* PBS Kids!
* The Sci-Fi Channel
* SeaWorld
Sign my fun plushie guest book
Remember to replace my anti-spam (at) and (dot) before replying.
(If you send me any unsolicited commercial email, I will not buy your
product, and I'll make every effort to have your account suspended.)
Email: galen (at) velocity (dot) net
This site made possible by Velocity Net
Help in the fight against Internet censorship. |
The material on this site is copyrighted, either by me, or by the various
contributors. Please do not copy or use anything without permission, as I
will take whatever legal action is required as I discover such use. I have
not given permission for people to use anything from my site, nor to use my
name lately. If you are doing so without direct permission, please cease
and desist now. This goes especially for any commercial sites, porn sites
or web publishers who think it's ok to quote entire sections from my site.
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Last updated: Sep 26, 2010