Sebastian Men's Neckwear
*Available in many colors*
Please keep in mind a similar piece of neckwear will be custom made
and a photograph will be e-mailed to you for approval.
Please indicate a color choice when placing e-mail order.


Ted's Ocean

Made with rare aqua Silvana sea glass and clasp.

Please indicate the length you desire,
approximate sizes of glass.
(small glass/ medium glass/ large glass)

These items are all one of a kind and very rare.
starting at $35.00 each plus shipping


Men's Neckwear

Made with various colors of sea or tumbled glass
sterling bead and clasp.

Please indicate the length you desire,
approximate sizes of glass
(small glass/ medium glass/ large glass)
and color of glass piece.

These items are all one of a kind.
$25.00 each plus shipping


Men's Neckwear

Made with various colors of sea or tumbled glass
sterling bead and clasp.

Please indicate the length you desire,
approximate sizes of glass
(small glass/ medium glass/ large glass)
and color of glass piece.

These items are all one of a kind.
starting at $25.00 each plus shipping


Men's Rare Sea Glass Neckwear
David's Collection

Made with EXTREMELY rare colors of sea glass,
sterling bead and clasp.

Please indicate the length you desire,
approximate sizes of glass
(small glass/ medium glass/ large glass)
and color of rare glass piece.

These items are all one of a kind.
$100.00 each plus shipping

piece shown is a golden amber color - EXTREMELY RARE